Financial Advisor Referral Seeds

attract prospects communication



Boosting Referrals Without the Awkward Ask: A Proven Guide for Financial Advisors

Real-Life Referral Seed Examples

Here are a few referral seed examples to get your creative juices flowing:

  • In Conversation with a Network Connection:
    • When asked, "How's business going?" Respond with, "Business is thriving! We've received a lot of referrals from clients lately, which keeps us busy helping new people."
  • At the Start of a New Client Relationship:
    • Mention, "We primarily work with new clients through referrals, much like how you discovered us. It's how we build our trusted community."
  • With Existing Clients:
    • When someone mentions a relevant topic, say, "I specialize in that area. If you ever hear someone discussing [topic], feel free to mention that I'm here to help."

Remember, these examples are just starting points. Tailor them to your voice and style to make them resonate even more.



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